Soul calibur vi lizardman
Soul calibur vi lizardman

Realizing this, he continued his search for the sword, to become whole again and reap his revenge. 4y Yun-seong DAY 1 - Soul Calibur VI is released DAY 1 - Modding has begun This looks to me like he was intended to be playable but was delayed.Wondering what had happened to it, a memory returned to him. Hes even called 'Lesser Lizardman' behind the scenes. Not knowing what he truly was anymore, he felt a deep emptiness and realized that he no longer had a soul. But, his dreams still held his memories of being human. Intent on finding it, he sets out to Ostrheinsburg where Soul Edge lies. Years have passed since then, and though his human memories are fleeting, Lizardman is convinced that the cursed sword holds his soul. He became their leader, and lead them on wild rampages. His human identity soon faded, and he became known as Lizardman.

soul calibur vi lizardman

Soon, other lizardmen had found him, and using his superior strength and combat training he easily dominated them. His human memories and emotions slowly started to fade, until he had almost become a beast. With a new axe and shield at his side, he sought out Soul Edge so that he could destroy his god with the very weapon he feared most. He threw the weapons he had been given to the ground and found a new resolve. He set out to find a means of returning to his original form, but upon realizing he had no place to go, he questioned why Hephaestus hadn't helped him in his time of need. When Soul Edge is defeated, the power of Soul Calibur frees Lizardman from his brainwashed state, but left his body in it's current state. Lizardman was eventually tracked down and defeated by Rock for his deeds, while aiding Astaroth, the cult's other servant, in his pursuit of Soul Edge. He was then sent to kidnap Rock's son, Bangoo, so that he would be lured to Europe. These experiments changed him into the first of many lizardmen. Kunpaetku, leader of the Fygul Cestemus cult, heard of this and had him captured, to be used as a subject for experiments. It caused Aeon to go temporarily insane and slaughter everyone in the village. He wasn't given the chance to repay them, as the Evil Seed soon descended upon the village. Luckily, he was found by a group of travelers that brought him to their village. But, he soon found himself lost in a vast desert collapsed from dehydration. Armed with a sword and shield given to him by Hephaestus, he set off on his journey.

soul calibur vi lizardman

Biography Aeon was a Spartan soldier who, like Sophitia, received a vision from the god Hephaestus telling him to destroy Soul Edge.

Soul calibur vi lizardman